1. Organization of development and realization of MEMS academic programs for the specialists of the Russian enterprises;
2. Organization of MEMS seminars and training with the participation of the Russian and foreign representatives (both in Russia and Europe);
3. Organization of specialized trainings for enterprises staff, businessmen and students on the leading European enterprises, producing microelectromechani-cal systems;
4. Assistance in selection of the foreign specialists for their work on the Russian enterprises and vice-versa;
5. Participation in the Russian and foreign events (MEMS seminars, exhibitions, forums, etc.);
6. Organization of the Russian specialists’ delegation visits to the foreign forums, exhibitions, etc. in the name of Association;
7. Development and realization of the joint MEMS projects together with its Russian and foreign partners;
8. Support lending to the Russian investors in their search of the foreign partners for the realization of joint projects in the field of microelectromechanical technology;
9. Support lending to the foreign investors in their search of the Russian partners for the realization of the joint MEMS projects;
10. Organization of the Russian specialists delegation visits to the foreign enterprises (scientific institutions) working in the field of semiconductor, elec-tronic and microeletromechanical industries.