International MEMS-Forum 2012. Modeling, Manufacturing, Testing

mems_2012_enOctober 3-4, 2012/ Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow, Russia
Russian MEMS Association, the   only   organization   in    Russia specializing  solely  on  MEMS  technologies   promotion and market development, with over 50 partner-companies, held another successful International MEMS-Forum on October 3-4, 2012 in Moscow, Russia.
Realizing the critical need to create the full cycle production of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) in Russia, this time the event was focused on the various aspects of MEMS making. Thus, the first day was devoted to the issues of design and modeling of MEMS sensors and systems. During the second day of the event various aspects, including characterization, etching, encapsulation, packaging, integration and other technological steps were treated.
The event gathered best representatives of global industry from Germany, the USA, the Netherlands, Finland and Russia. The attendees whose number came nearer 100 this year were keenly interested in the presentations and started lively discussions with the speakers after each report, during the panel time debates, as well as networking receptions, and even the breaks.
Opening keynote speaker Alexander Volkov, research vice-president, MPEI, emphasized the importance of the event which enables the representatives from the global industries  come together, exchange points of view and achievements, understand how to move forward and start mutually beneficial cooperations.
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Closing keynote speaker Denis Urmanov, the executive director, RAMEMS, offered MEMS Forum 2012  attendees his concept of the prospects of boosting up development of domestic MEMS production by establishing an effective MEMS supply chain in Russia (including foreign product transfer partners, and equipment suppliers and domestic designers, researchers, different level Tier suppliers, device manufacturers, software integrators, etc.)
Alexander A. Bebyakov, research engineer, OAO Ulyanovsk instrument manufacturing design bureau, ‘The Forum was at its best! An outstanding event, superb organization, delightful atmosphere. Thank you!’

Hermann Marsch, general manager, Maicom Quarz GmbH, Germany,
‘I express gratitude to Russian MEMS Association for the professional organization of the event. As a speaker, I was pleased  to receive a high appreciation from the attendees, see their interest in our activities. I wish RAMEMS to hold the events as often as possible.’
Delegation from Silicon Saxony e.V., Germany, ‘We were happy to participate in MEMS-Forum 2012. Next year the representatives of our companies shall undoubtedly join the Forum!’
Russian MEMS Association shows deepest gratitude to NIU MPEI for the assistance in holding MEMS-Forum 2012 and industry specific mass media for the event promotion support. We truly appreciate all the speakers and attendees participation and hope to see everyone at our 3d International MEMS-Forum.

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