High-precision small devices
In the course of laborious long-term cooperation with our Russian and foreign partners we formed a range of unique small high-precision devices (sensors, actuators, ASIC, etc.). You can find detailed information about each of them on this page.
- Wireless Monitoring systems
- MEMS-accelerometers ±30g
- MEMS-inclinometers (USB)
- Optoelectronic sensors
- Pressure sensors
- Coventor Software for MEMS development
- Inclination Sensors up to ±30° (Inclinometers)
- Acceleration sensors up to ±15g (Accelerometers)
- RF MEMS switches
- Microscanners (MEMS-scanners)
- High speed sensors for 3D machine vision and metrology
- High definition (HD) sensors for medical imaging
- Precision two-axis MEMS accelerometer ±5g
- Precision two-axis MEMS accelerometer ±30g
- Complex solution for MEMS parameters control
- Precision single-axis MEMS gyroscope
- Low Actuation Voltage RF-MEMS Switch for DC to 5 GHz (SPST)
- Quantum Gyroscope
- Precision two-axis MEMS inclinometer ±30º